I’m still recovering from the craziness that was this year’s Comikaze Expo, so my weekly The Walking Dead recap will be delayed a little while. In the meantime, please enjoy…
All posts by Action Flick Chick
The Walking Dead 4-3: Never Stop Digging
“We don’t get to get upset.” That’s the kind of gloomy-ass motto The Walking Dead characters have to live by. A motto like that might help keep their emotions in…
The Walking Dead 4-2: Get Down With the Sickness
Woo boy. The Walking Dead took a giant leap into Sufferingville with “Infected.” This episode keeps a pace that only Usain Bolt can keep up with. So far the writers…
The Walking Dead 4-1: How Nice of You to Drop In
AMC’s The Walking Dead is finally back! Season four’s first episode, “30 Days Without an Accident” started off on a leisurely walk, but started to pick up the pace towards…
AFC Classic: Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol!
I hope Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) has good car insurance because he’s going to need all the help he can get after Mission: Impossible- Ghost Protocol. Seems like every time…
Blood on the Canvas: Bloodsport!
Blood on the Canvas, son! This new series of articles will focus on some of the best combat sport fights in film/TV history. I’m not talking about back alley brawls,…