For every Chris Hemsworth or Jennifer Lawrence, there are a slew of other great actors out there who help make films and TV shows possible. Supporting characters are the backbone…
All posts by Action Flick Chick
The Walking Dead Season 5 (Part 2) Trailer: Yetis Vs. Zombies
Going back and re-watching The Walking Dead from season one really makes you notice the little things- mostly, just how rough everyone looks now. The group stays fairly clean-cut in…
AFC Classic: Which Iconic Film Characters Should Fight Zombies? has posted some smart and interesting analyses of important issues related to your survival during the zombie apocalypse – like the scientific reasons why a zombie outbreak could occur,…
Ten Sure Signs a Character is Going to Die
When Breaking Bad was about to end, most viewers’ Spider-sense was tingling; we knew, we just knew that not everyone was coming out of that show alive. That’s because we’ve…
Five Frosty Flicks- Movies That Make You Say “BRR!”
Winter’s not coming— it’s already here, baby, and it’s ready to par-tay! As the weather outside grows more frightful by the day, be glad for what time you get to…
AFC Classic: Resident Evil: Afterlife Review- Blood Pumping, Brain Dead Action
When a movie promises multiple ass kicking Milla Jovoviches, you can bet your balls that I’ll be first in line to see it. I would kill a hobgoblin, ride a…