Category Archives: Good to Be a Geek

Harry Potter . . . It’s Over, Can We Cry Now?

Harry Potter . . . It's Over, Can We Cry Now?It is really over – the Harry Potter books, movies, etc. Did the final movie live up to the expectation? I think so! I was lucky enough to see it in 3D, and the theater still had the limited edition Harry Potter 3D glasses, whidh by the way got very fogged up by my sobbing!

It seems with the Harry Pottery Wizarding World at Universal Studios, and all sorts of fan related events, it will never truly die. Even as I write this article, I am on my way to Harvard Square’s Hogwarts Square Celebration. Restaurants will have Harry Potter themed drinks, stores wil… Read more..

Some thoughts on OSX Lion

Some thoughts on OSX LionPreamble

The transition from a Windows machine to my first MacBook was a little bit awkward. Like most people who aren’t so-called “power users,” I always paid more attention to the software than I did to the operating system. Because of this, maybe I never really “knew” Windows. I spent plenty of time poking around the registry and whatnot, but it was always about “clean-up” and such. I spent more time disabling pieces of the operating system to improve overall system performance than I did learning how to use these things I just assumed I didn’t need. I ca… Read more..

Watching the Web – Last Man(s) On Earth

Watching the Web - Last Man(s) On EarthChances are you have seen a disaster movie or two. You know, the movies where a super volcano, twister or nuclear standoff brings about the end of the world. In these movies, some “everyday Joe” manages to survive. Well, if the Mayan calendar theories are to be believed, the end of the world is around the corner and you do not want to be the “last man standing.”

Kaduche (Charan Prabhakar) and Wynn (Brady Bluhm) are two friends who have seen every disaster movie, at least twice. They are going alpha male and sharing all they have learned with anyone who wil… Read more..

Waiting Sucks – A Fangirl’s True Blood Retrospective

Waiting Sucks - A Fangirl's True Blood Retrospective 

As the promotions for the new season of True Blood say, “Waiting sucks.” I look forward to the summer these past few years, for one reason, new True Blood episodes! This year we got a treat and were able to watch the first eight minutes of the show on HBO Go, and eventually through Video on Demand on various cable providers.

Was it worth the wait…..well, yes in most cases. The beginning of the episode was a bit . . . well, silly. I understand what they were trying to do with it – the f… Read more..