Category Archives: Good to Be a Geek

Movie Review – Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Movie Review - Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Video credit: Paramount Pictures



Transformers: Dark of the Moon was released nationwide yesterday in IMAX and 3D. In New York, Times Square was shut down for the media circus to celebrate the release in grandiose style, with the red carpet premiere streamed live on the official movie website.  For weeks, the public relations machine has been hard at wo… Read more..

I Know I Shouldn’t, But I Love Tiny Tower (iOS)

I Know I Shouldn't, But I Love Tiny Tower (iOS)I know that millions of people play Zynga’s Farmville and that they love it and that they spend money on virtual items that help them farm faster (I accidentally typed “fart faster” and was tempted to leave it be) and that there are a million derivative games out there offering a similar experience with a difference skin and that these are also very popular. I get it, and I’ve even tried to give myself to that experience. Some kept my attention for a small period of time, but ultimately none of them for very long and I think I once spent a dollar on one of them. I guess that’s a succe… Read more..

Review – Demolition Dash on iOS

Review - Demolition Dash on iOSBefore I begin this review I would just like to establish that this game was played on an iPhone 4 and that we will be using the surely by now familiar rating scale of PASS, EH, and OKAY, YEAH.

Something that not a lot of people know about me is that I’m a very, very big fan of the endless-dash-style score attack games, and that I love to take them with me on my phone. For example, I once declared that Canabalt was an absolutely perfect game, and I stand by that claim today. I’m also a huge fan of the evolutions which have followed up on Canabalt’s succe… Read more..

Watching the Web – Blood Light “The Lighter Side of Death”

Watching the Web - Blood Light Vampires have long captivated audiences. Millions of pages, thousands of hours of film in movies and television, and countless songs, have been dedicated to these creatures of the night. Now, Vampires have a new home . . . on the internet. Only these aren’t exactly the Vampires you may be accustomed to. Then again, “this is NOT a show about Vampires, it is a show about people who happen to be Vampires,” Blood Light creator Jared Stern says in the series welcome video.

Blood Light is a web series that explores what life might be like for Vampires living… Read more..

New Game in Town – Redbox Offers Video Game Rentals

New Game in Town - Redbox Offers Video Game RentalsYou recognize the big red box outside your local grocery and drug stores or the McDonald’s in town. While you are running errands, you can arrange a quick, convenient night in for $1-$2, by stopping at a self-service dvd rental kiosk. Redbox Automated Retail, LLC, a subsidiary of Coinstar, Inc. has quickly become a powerhouse in the movie rental marketplace since their launch in 2002. Last year, Redbox celebrated 1 billion movie rentals with more than 27,000 redbox locations. Now, Redbox is looking to take a bite out of the video game retail space by offering… Read more..