Category Archives: Good to Be a Geek

Facebook Recognizes You with Enabled Facial Recognition

Facebook Recognizes You with Enabled Facial RecognitionFacebook is often at the forefront of controversy for questionable judgement when it comes to sharing user data. And it seems they’re doing it again. In the past few months, there have been rumblings facial recognition was coming to the social network. In a surprising turn, the rumors implied Facebook would release the new feature in beta testing among a smaller group of users for feedback before making the determination to roll out the feature across the network. The rumblings were correct, but it appears… Read more..

The First (and Most Important) Day of E3 is Over!

The First (and Most Important) Day of E3 is Over!E3 is my favorite time of year. I might like watching the press conferences from the three main platform holders more than I actually like playing video games. Today, as I toiled away at work, I missed the Microsoft press conference AND I missed Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference. I missed EA’s press conference. Then, I came home, ate dinner, and was forced to choose between watching my beloved Bruins destroy the dastardly Canucks or watching the Sony presser, and I chose the hockey. Really, I missed everything, and E3 is the one thing that, year in and year out, I miss nothing…. Read more..

Oh No PSN Store, Welcome YOU Back!

Oh No PSN Store, Welcome YOU Back!So, the time is now upon us that Sony will officially acknowledge what we’ve already known: the Playstation Network is back, and they’re taking this opportunity to stand at the front door with arms wide open and bearing gifts. Now, we’re already in the house enjoying the hors d’oeurves, but it would be poor form not to let the host greet us, especially when it’s offering up to four free games just for saying hello. So let’s take a look at what Sony has to offer us to help soften the blow of it’s month-long absence.

By now we’re all familiar with the ratings scale: PASS, EH, and OKAY, YEAH…. Read more..

Summer of SciFi TV

Summer of SciFi TVSummer is around the corner. For some, that means cookouts with friends, catching a baseball game or heading to the beach. The last thing you may be thinking about when temperatures rise, is television.

Cable networks are hoping they can convince you to tune in, and they are focusing heavily on the scifi genre. There will be alien invasions, extraordinary abilities, mystical objects and vampires coming to the small screen. We have rounded up show summaries and video previews, where available, for the genre shows vieing for your loyalty.
