Total Fan Girl, Nicole Wakelin, gives her take on the latest trailer for the continuation of the popular UK series, Torchwood. Starz has taken the reigns and while there are some familiar faces, there are plenty of changes as well. Will the new season get lost in translation?
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Category Archives: Good to Be a Geek
Geek Music Monday – “Meganerd” by YTCracker
One thing is for certain, geeks and gamers are passionate. Add a bit of nerdcore passion with some good old fashioned creativity and we can do great things. Okay, maybe not great, let’s say . . . entertaining.
One of the creative ways we express ourselves is through music. Whether we take songs from popular artists or internet memes to make them relevant for the nerd set, or produce entirely original pieces, the latest geek music has a way of becoming an epic anthem. It is the deep-seeded love that prompts our newest series, Geek Music Monday.
This week, we are enjoying “M… Read more..
Event Announcement – Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Tournament
Some decisions are too big to leave to chance, but what do you do when you are with your fri… Read more..
Twitter Mobile Gets A Facelift…Enhanced Functionality for Touchscreen Devices
You use Twitter. You have a smartphone. Chances are you have an app for that . . . but what if you didn’t, or what if you didn’t have access the app? If you are a long time smartphone owner, you have undoubtedly been a casualty of a Twitter-API Developer war. Twitter wants you to know, no matter where you are, they have you covered.
Earlier today, Twitter unveiled their improved, and oh so pretty, mobile web app via their offi… Read more..
Webcomic Wednesday – One Die Short
It is Wednesday and you know what that means . . . webcomics! This week I am getting you in on the ground floor with a brand new webcomic, One Die Short. The first post hit the interweb on May 6th, and Matt Forcella has opted to continue posting new pages every Monday and Thursday.
One Die Short follows a group of … Read more..