Wizard World Philadelphia: Meet Avengers and Many Artists and Writers Who Make Them Assemble

For oh so many reasons, I’m looking forward to covering Wizard World Philly at the start of next month. Here’s a press release on it. I’ll have presently-secret things to share about the con soon myself.
Press release
Fans Can Meet, Get Sketches From More Than A Dozen Artists Who Have Worked On The Blockbuster Franchise […]


ShiftyLook Assembles Cartoonists (Including Mine!) for Namco Bandai’s Dig Dug 30th Anniversary Webcomics Collaboration

Nick Langley, creator of my Action Chick avatar and artist/co-writer for The Action Chick webcomic, has joined an amazing group of creators working together on ShiftyLook.com’s DIG DUG 30th anniversary webcomic collaboration project. Along with Marko Head and Greg Fisher who have also contributed art around here, this awesome assemblage includes creators from Penny Arcade, […]
