It’s Geekmas Time! Geek Gifting from Good To Be A Geek!

It's Geekmas Time! Geek Gifting from Good To Be A Geek!Here at Good To Be A Geek, we believe everyday is a great day to celebrate being a Geek. What better time to celebrate than the holiday season? Whether you are a Fringe Agent, Hobbit, Assassin or YouTuber, we want to encourage you to “let your geek run wild” and we are going to help you.


We have procured some nerdy delights that WE ARE GIFTING AWAY . . . TO YOUContinue reading for more information on how to enter, complete contest rules and a look at the nerdy goodness you could win.

&n… Read more..

It’s Geekmas Time! Geek Gifting from Good To Be A Geek!

It's Geekmas Time! Geek Gifting from Good To Be A Geek!Here at Good To Be A Geek, we believe everyday is a great day to celebrate being a Geek. What better time to celebrate than the holiday season? Whether you are a Fringe Agent, Hobbit, Assassin or YouTuber, we want to encourage you to “let your geek run wild” and we are going to help you.


We have procured some nerdy delights that WE ARE GIFTING AWAY . . . TO YOUContinue reading for more information on how to enter, complete contest rules and a look at the nerdy goodness you could win.

&n… Read more..

Geek Music Monday – Malukah’s “Frozen Sleep” a Halo 4 Tribute

Geek Music Monday - Malukah's We have featured Malukah before here at Good To Be A Geek for her video game inspired music. In particular, her gorgeous renditions of “The Dragonborn Comes” from Skyrim and “Rains of Castamere” from the HBO series based on the George R.R. Martin novel series, Game of Thrones, have garnered her plenty of well-deserved attention.

I am so pleased to share another piece from Malukah, her Halo 4 tribute, “Frozen Sleep.” The inspiration for “Froze… Read more..

An Interesting Story of Manhattans, Majordomos and Manny

An Interesting Story of Manhattans, Majordomos and MannyKittens, sometimes life isn’t all sequins and martinis, even for a sunshiny, San Diego, Good Time Girl like Moi. Sometimes bad things happen, justice loses its way and good people must pass on, leaving friends and fam to wish it was not so. As Dr. Lucy says, “Loss is never okay.” Right-o, babydoll. We say farewell to a dear pally, a true, all-around geek amongst geeks, whom went too soon, too harshly. We should like to share him with you. Meet “Manny” and be sure to cherish your dear ones this season. One never knows when they’ll be coming my way!

An… Read more..

The Dark Knight Rises: What Motivates Bane?

What motivates Bane, the featured villain in the 2012 blockbuster motion picture “The Dark Knight Rises”? Why does he become the man who breaks the bat? Whereas Need for Achievement and subsidiary Need for Power drive the comic book version of Bane, Need for Affiliation motivates movie Bane. The motion picture version of this psychopathic character does it all for love.

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