Most Quotable Action Flick? Flick Chick: What’s the most quotable action film?
(topic suggested by Scott Schultz @SlickRiptide)
Answers on Facebook:
Jerry B Flory: Roadhouse.
Wernher Von Braun: Big Trouble In Little China
Mike Sullivan: The Terminator.
Kurly Tlapoyawa: The Warriors
Chris George: Die Hard.
Cory White: Fight Club
Eric Tamez: Commando
Dave M Gray: Die Hard
Kris Garcia The Last Boyscout
John DuMond: Snatch
Jacinta Brown Baca: Terminator
Merk Kurall Schuenemann: […]


Every Book Could Be Improved By Adding _______.

BonnieGrrl: When I’m bored with a book I always pretend the main character is a werewolf. Made “The Fountainhead” so much better!
Action Flick Chick: Every book could be improved by adding __________.
Anybody wondering what this topic (reading!) has to do with action flicks should quickly understand after glancing through these answers.
Answers on Facebook:
Josh Russell: […]


Every Book Could Be Improved By Adding _______.

BonnieGrrl: When I’m bored with a book I always pretend the main character is a werewolf. Made “The Fountainhead” so much better!
Action Flick Chick: Every book could be improved by adding __________.
Anybody wondering what this topic (reading!) has to do with action flicks should quickly understand after glancing through these answers.
Answers on Facebook:
Josh Russell: […]


Review: Being Human Season 4 Premiere with Big, Hairy Spoilers

Instead of reshuffling the deck, Being Human showrunner Toby Whithouse apparently decided to buy a whole new set of cards.


We knew going in, of course, that the fourth season would build on George the werewolf’s promise that the vampire Wyndham and the Old Ones would “have a fight” on their hands.” But nobody who didn’t read the British press before the premiere could have expected the turnaround “Eve Of The War” presented…
