WonderCon Psych 2013: Comics and Zombies and Sith! Oh, My!

At WonderCon Anaheim, psychologists on convention panels pit Jedi Knights against Vulcans, explain how to get your first book published, and discuss how fictional superheroes with tragic origins can enhance understanding of real life trauma through a filter of fiction, while psychiatrists band together with lawyers to look at legal issues that might face the walking dead.

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Weddings, Funerals, Reboots – Capes and Cognitive Dissonance

Will cognitive dissonance increase fans’ commitment to ongoing comic books or to those they bought long ago? The major comic companies keep making headlines with high-profile character deaths, same-sex weddings, and storyline reboots. Will such changes draw new readers or will they leave long-time fans frustrated for buying comics that “don’t matter” in current continuity?

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