Aurora Judge Rules "Truth Serum" Can Test Suspect’s Insanity

Aurora, Colorado. Judge William Sylvester ruled authorities can use truth serum and polygraphy to determine if the July movie theater shooting suspect is genuinely insane. A truth serum is not a truth serum. It lowers inhibitions. A lie detector is not a lie detector. It indicates stress patterns. And what does any of it have to do with proving a mass murderer’s insanity?

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The Bat of the Shadow: Batman’s Role Models

Who were Batman’s role models? Which theories in psychology might best address the ways in which people in life (his parents, their butler, a pacifist physician), fictional masked men of mystery (Zorro, the Shadow), and others influenced this frightened boy who, praying by his bedside a few nights after his parents died before his very eyes, became an avenger on a mission?

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