"Legends of the Knight" Video Chat on Batman and Psychology

“Legends of the Knight” filmmaker Brett Culp brings together Drs. Patrick O’Connor, Vasilis Pozios, and Travis Langley for a video discussion on Spreecast to discuss Batman and psychology – not the psychology of Batman himself but rather the psychology of why Batman resonates so powerfully in the public consciousness. How and why does a fictional hero inspire real people?

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Why more people need to think like Cevat Yerli

Why more people need to think like Cevat YerliLikely, you are asking, “Who is Cevat Yerli?” You know him better as “the guy who founded Crytek,” famed Crysis developer. Why do more people need to think like him? Well, in an era of hype and metacritic scores being the end all be all, Cevat brings a new perspective – One I’ve personally had for quite some time while reviewing games, or any media really.
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Doctor Who: Fear the Weeping Angels and Don’t Blink

They can kill you in a blink or cast you into the past, turning you into nothing but a memory or a name engraved on an old tombstone. The Weeping Angels, not the most dangerous foes that science fiction hero Doctor Who and his traveling companions have ever faced and yet widely considered the scariest, evoke fears in characters and fans alike, but fears of what exactly?

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