Shauncastic Podcast – Disney Afternoons

Shauncastic Podcast - Disney AfternoonsIf you are lucky enough to be my age, you had an amazing childhood. You played outside and your parents didn’t need to know where you were as long as you were home by the time the street lights came on; you experienced the evolution of video game consoles into the media machines we know today; and, you remember Disney afternoon cartoons.

Recently, I made a guest appearance on Shauncastic to talk about Disney afternoon cartoons. Together, with Shaun and Nathan, we discuss how these programs w… Read more..

Geek Music Monday – “Game Stop” by Adam Warrock

Geek Music Monday - I have been listening to Adam Warrock since he released The Browncoats Mixtape. I hope you have also been a fan. If not, this week’s Geek Music Monday selection will provide an introduction.


Adam Warrock is a musician who combines pop culture and hip hop in  a seamless way that will have you dancing in your game seat. In addition to The Browncoats Mixtape (inspired by the television series Firefly & film Serenity), previous EP themes include the television… Read more..