Review: Django Unchained- Chain Yourselves in, Lads, it’s a Good One!

Django_Unchained_PosterDjango Unchained is one juicy mother of a movie, and I’d expect no less from writer/director Quentin Tarantino. If you like Tarantino’s style of wild and thoughtful film-making, you’re sure to love this one. Django is violent, extremely bloody, and has a unique story wrapped up with some overly verbose scenes. My usual complaint about […]

Are Batman’s Enemies Insane? Unsound Minds—Part 2

Are supervillains insane? With some exceptions, no, most comic book heroes’ nemeses know what they’re doing. They know who they hurt and they know it’s wrong. For them, that’s part of the fun. Using Batman’s enemies as examples, we explore the more bizarre villains in DC Comics’ Gotham City. Which of Gotham City’s colorful crooks come closest to qualifying as insane?

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